
Le jeu dit libre et les activités dites «ludiques» ou moins ludiques  
Par Anne Mauffette

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19. Marcon R.A. (1992).Differential effects of three preschool models on inner city 4 year olds. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 7 (4), 517-530.

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23. Hirsh-Pasek K. (1991) Pressure or challenge in preschool? How academic environments affect children. In L. Rescorla, M.C. Hyson, & Hirsch Pasek K. (Eds.): New Directions in child development. Academic instruction in early childhood : Challenge or Pressure (no.53 p.39-46). San Francisco Jossey-Bass

24. Elkind (2007) The Power of Play. Learning what comes naturally. Life long Books, Da Capo Press. A member of Pereus Press, Philadelphia, PA

25. Hirsh-Pasek,K., Golinkoff, R. M. & Eyer, D. (2003) Einstein Never Used Flash Cards. How our Children Really Learn and Why They Need To Play More and Memorize Less. Rodale Inc. USA

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29. Miller E. E. & Almon J. (2009) Crisis in the Kindergarten: Why Children Need to Play in School, College Park, MD: Alliance for Childhood

30. Hirsh-Pasek, K., Golonkoff R.M., Berk L.E.& Singer D.G. (2009) A Mandate for Playful Learning in Preschool. Presenting the evidence Oxford University Press

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32. American Academy of Pediatrics: Michael Yogman, MD, FAAP, a Andrew Garner, MD, PhD, FAAP, b Jeffrey Hutchinson, MD, FAAP, c Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, PhD, d Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, PhD, Committee on psychosocial aspects of child and family health, Council on Communications and media, (2019) The Power of Play.

33. Zosh J.M., HopkinsE.J., Jensn H, Lu C. Neale D. Hish-Pasek K., Solis S.L. & Whitebread D. (2017) Learning through play: a review of the evidence (white paper) The LEGO Foundation.DK.

34. Burts 1992 Burts DC, Hart CH, Charlesworth R. Fleege P. Mosley J & Thomasson R.H. (1992): Observed activities and stress behaviours of children in appropriate and inappropriate kindergarten classrooms, cité par Berk dans Play= Learning (2009)

35. Zigler E.F. et Bishop-Josef S.J. (2004) Play under siege: a historical review dans Zigler Children’s play: The Roots of Reading, (2004). Washington D.C. : Zero to Three Press.

36. Roskos K.& Christie J.E. (2002) Play and literacy in early childhood: Research from multiple Perspectives dans Zigler 2011 Pre K Debates, p. 112

37. Roskos K. & ChristieJ.E. (2004) Examining the Play-Literacy Interface. A critical review and future directions, dans Zigler 2004 The Roots of Reading et dans Zigler et al. 2011 Pre K Debates p. 112

38. Hirsh-Pasek, K., Golonkoff R.M., Berk L.E.& Singer D.G. (2009) A Mandate for Playful Learning in Preschool. Presenting the evidence Oxford University Press dans Zigler (2011) Pre K Debates

39. Roskos K.& Christie J.E. (2002) Play and literacy in early childhood: Research from multiple Perspectives dans Zigler 2011 Pre K Debates, p. 112

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45. Roskos K. & Christie J.E. (2004) Examining the Play-Literacy Interface. A critical review and future directions, dans Zigler 2004 The Roots of Reading et dans Zigler et al. 2011 Pre K Debates p. 112

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51. ZiglerE.F. & Bishop-Josef S.J. (2006) The cognitive child versus the whole child. Lessons from 40 years of Head Start, dans Zigler E.F.; Singer D.; Golinkoff R. Et Hirsh-Pasek: Learning: how play motivates and enhances children’s cognitive and sociao-emotional growth (p.15-35) New York: University Press et dans Hirsh-Pasek (2009). A Mandate for Playful learning. Learning in Preschool:presenting the Evidence.

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59. Marcon R.A. (1992).Differential effects of three preschool models on inner city 4 year olds. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 7 (4), 517-530.

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61. Marcon, R.A. (2002) Moving up the grades: Relationship between Preschool Model and Later School Success; Early Childhood Research and Practice: spring, Vol.4, No1

62. Hirsh-Pasek, K., Golonkoff R.M., Berk L.E.& Singer D.G. (2009) A Mandate for Playful Learning in Preschool. Presenting the evidence Oxford University Press.

63. Marinova K. (2010). Situations d’apprentissage issues du jeu. Revue Préscolaire, vol. 48, no 4, p. 9-13.

64. Zosh J.M., HopkinsE.J., Jensn H, Lu C. Neale D. Hish-Pasek K., Solis S.L. & Whitebread D. (2017) Learning through play: a review of the evidence (white paper) The LEGO Foundation.DK.

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Les temps de regroupements au préscolaire

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